
Why It's Important to Delete Old Tweets by Date and Time

There are various reasons why it’s important to delete old tweets by date and time. First and foremost, most users value privacy and security. Over time, your X, formerly Twitter, account might accumulate a trove of personal information. This includes details about your location, habits, and interests. Deleting all the tweets, especially about sensitive information, ensures privacy.

Next, your online presence significantly impacts your professional life. Especially if your old posts contain sentiments that no longer align with your current values, image, or views. Deleting these posts helps you present a more positive online persona. Upholding a professional online reputation also helps your career or potential career opportunities.

Last, using date and time parameters optimizes searchability to delete old posts. You can delete those specific tweets if you have a particular date range or time. This helps to keep other important or special posts on your X, or Twitter, timeline.  

Search, View, and Remove Tweets Manually on X, Formerly Twitter

Now that you know why it’s important to delete old tweets by date and time, let’s dive into the process. There are two main ways to search, view, and remove tweets. The first option is to search old tweets and delete them through the X, formerly Twitter, platform. X offers a reasonably comprehensive search feature with advanced filters. On X, users can search by the following:

  • Dates. The platform also allows users to narrow down search results by date. Enter a timeframe or choose just a beginning or end date.
  • Engagement. X users can narrow search results by the amount of engagement posts received. Choose minimum replies, minimum likes, or minimum retweet options.
  • Words or phrases. X allows users to narrow their search by using words or phrases. The platform can also search using hashtags or by eliminating your chosen words.
  • Accounts. Set your search parameters on X to include specific accounts. Users can search tweets from specific accounts to others or even posts that mention or tag accounts.

Log into your account and locate the search function to conduct a search. It’s in the sidebar menu and represented by a magnifying glass. Then, enter your search phrase. When results populate, you can filter using the above methods in the “Advanced Search” feature.

While X has robust search and filtering capabilities, it cannot remove tweets in bulk. You will have to delete your tweets one at a time. If you have too many or find the task cumbersome, try a third-party Twitter management tool with bulk deletion features.

How to Erase Tweets by Hashtags

If you want to erase tweets using a hashtag, you’ll need the help of a third-party tool. Unfortunately, Twitter, now X, currently doesn’t have the capability. However, you can search for your past tweets on Twitter by using a hashtag. If you want to delete only a handful of tweets, you can erase them individually. To search tweets using hashtags, use the advanced Twitter search feature. Here’s how to do it:

  • Log into your account and tap on your X, formerly Twitter, profile picture. This takes you to your timeline or Twitter page.
  • Click on the three dots icon to expand the menu in the sidebar menu.
  • Click “Settings and Support” and then “Settings and Privacy.”
  • Locate and click on the “Download an archive of your data” tab under “Your Account.” 
  • X will ask you to confirm your password. The platform may also request a code sent to your email or phone.
  • Once you enter the code, tap the blue “Request Archive” button. 
  • When the platform redirects you to your timeline, a notification tells you that X has received your request.

It typically takes 24 hours to receive your archive from X, formerly Twitter. However, the process can take longer, especially if you have a lot of Twitter history and data. 

Delete All Tweets: How Twitter Cleaning Tools Work

The help of third-party Twitter cleaning tools is the smart and effective pick to delete all tweets from your timeline. If this is your first time exploring using an X, formerly Twitter, management tool, don’t worry. Ease your mind knowing that many of them, like TweetEraser, work safely and securely. Are you curious how they work? Let us explain.

To simplify it, X, formerly known as Twitter, uses an API or application programming interface. The Twitter cleaning tool collects a list of tweets you want to delete. You give the command for this list, setting parameters such as date range or keyword. Then, the program or platform requests Twitter’s API to delete the tweets on the list. Lastly, X deletes the tweets from its servers.

Typically, you log into the tweet-deleting tool using your X or Twitter login to permit it. It’s important to note that deleting tweets or posts does not entirely erase them from the internet. Other users can screenshot or save your tweets. Additionally, if your account is public, internet archival sites like the Wayback Machine may have an archive of your tweets. However, deleting tweets makes it difficult for people to find them, thus giving you more privacy.


How To Delete Old Tweets: Frequently Asked Questions

By now, you probably understand why it’s important to delete old tweets by date and time. However, as you start to declutter your X, formerly Twitter, timeline, you might run into a few more questions. If so, this handy FAQ section has you covered. From the basics to professional advice, you might just find the answer you’re looking for. If not, it’s okay. Contact our expert customer service team. They can help with any other queries you may have.

Aside from bulk deleting tweets, TweetEraser can mass unlike tweets with all of our plans. Here’s how to bulk unlike tweets. It’s super simple!
  • Log into your TweetEraser account using your X or Twitter login credentials.
  • Click on the “Likes” tab in the sidebar menu.
  • Set the date range of the likes you want to erase. You can choose to delete all your likes from the drop-down menu.
  • Double-check your Twitter account handle to ensure you delete Twitter likes from the correct account.
  • Agree to TweetEraser’s terms and conditions.
  • Click on the blue “Delete my Likes” button.

That’s it. TweetEraser has mass unliked your tweets. Be sure to check your Twitter account to ensure your likes are gone. If not, refresh your timeline.

Unfortunately, you cannot hide X or Twitter post likes if you have a public Twitter account. Anyone, including people who don’t follow you, can see the tweets you have liked. However, you can limit visibility into your Twitter engagement. If you have a private account, only your followers can see the tweets you have liked. If you value privacy or use your X account professionally, consider an alternative account for anonymous browsing.

Unfortunately, you cannot hide X or Twitter post likes if you have a public Twitter account. Anyone, including people who don’t follow you, can see the tweets you have liked. However, you can limit visibility into your Twitter engagement. If you have a private account, only your followers can see the tweets you have liked. If you value privacy or use your X account professionally, consider an alternative account for anonymous browsing.

Check your tweet count if you can’t see your old tweets from years ago. If it’s over 3,200 tweets, X, formerly Twitter, most likely archived your tweets. The platform does this so it can run smoothly and efficiently. Other reasons for tweets to disappear include spam or spam-like posts, copyrighted content, or tweets part of a legal investigation. If your post doesn’t fall into these categories, download a copy of your archive to view old tweets.

There are various reasons why your Twitter or post likes disappear. First, X or Twitter occasionally experiences technical glitches. These glitches are usually temporary and resolve over time. Next, likes disappear due to privacy settings. If you’ve changed your account’s privacy settings, it might impact how others see your likes. Especially if you change the settings related to your likes, retweets, or engagement visibility. Last, if the original owner deletes tweets you’ve liked, any likes associated with the tweet disappear. Or, perhaps users that like your posts have deleted their accounts or cleaned up their Twitter timelines.