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What Is a Digital Detox? A Guide To Get One

Ochai Emmanuel

April 8, 2024 | 10 min read

Technology is a significant part of human lives. It helps people connect with their loved ones and keeps them informed. However, addiction to technology can have several negative effects. In this case, detoxing from digital devices may help. You may have heard it several times and wondered about it. But what is a digital detox?

Well, it is a solution to break free from electronic devices. It also helps you to maintain a positive lifestyle. More than this, there is much information about getting a digital cleansing. This article provides everything you should know about technology detox in detail.

An illustration of a yoga practitioner on a smartphone.

What Is a Digital Detox? Understand Its Relation to Social Media

A digital detox refers to a person’s commitment to intentionally refrain from using digital devices and technology. It could also refer to the period of time a person abstains from electronic devices. This involves limiting or eliminating the use of televisions, smartphones, tablets, computers, and social media platforms.

This partial or complete detachment from digital devices can last an hour, a day, or longer. Digital detoxes aim to pause constant connectivity and screen time to concentrate on other beneficial activities. The person can use the period to focus on real-life commitments and recover a balance in life.

Similarly, detoxing from social media allows users to stay away from social platforms for a while. During this period, users don’t have to cope with the controversy on social media platforms. Overall, any technology break positively affects a person’s mental health.

A person pours a smoothie into a glass cup on a kitchen counter.

5 Benefits of Social Media Detox

Although you may miss some engaging content during your break from social media, this decision has some benefits. Several exist, but let’s focus on the five main benefits of social media detox.

1. Improved Sleep Quality

The blue light emitted from electronic devices disturbs the quality of sleep you get. It makes it hard to fall asleep even when you are tired. Similarly, constantly checking your social profile can keep your mind active throughout the night. You could think more than you normally would, especially during controversial moments.

Turning off your devices earlier or staying off your social media profile can help you get a good night’s sleep. In addition, it helps you to wake up feeling refreshed and active.

2. Better Interpersonal Relationships

Mobile devices and social media technology help people to keep in touch with each other. But, it often reduces genuine human interaction and distracts people from connecting with people around them. Limiting your screen time allows you to reconnect with the world around you.

You can experience real-life sights and sounds better than on social platforms. You can enjoy the company of people around you and experience the benefit of genuine conversations. In addition, you can hire someone to manage your social media presence if necessary.

3. Reduced Anxiety and Stress

Persistent notifications, emails, and social media updates can create a sense of constant urgency and activity. The brain’s constant activity could lead to negative effects like increased anxiety and stress. Social media cleanse helps you avoid stressors and focus on improving your mental and physical health.

While at it, you could pick up an old hobby or discover a new one. Hobbies can make you feel better during your hiatus from social media. Enabling the settings for social media privacy can also help reduce notifications.

4. Improved Attention Span

Apart from using social media platforms for work, it can draw your attention from physical commitments. Notifications from your social media activities can instantly distract you from whatever you are doing and make you less productive. A technology detox can help you stop this.

5. Better Relationship With Technology

A social media cleansing only aims to give you a temporary break from pressure. However, it doesn’t mean you’ll give it up forever. Taking a break can help you teach yourself some discipline and develop a better relationship with technology. It helps you to stay away from social platforms whenever you want willingly.

In addition, you’ll learn only to use them when necessary and not when they distract you.

A person uses a white smartphone in front of an opened silver laptop.

How To Do a Digital Detox Without Complete Termination

Taking a complete break from digital devices can be too extreme. Instead, you can take small steps to create boundaries between yourself and your devices. Learning how to do a digital detox can help you explore the better side of technology. We have highlighted seven ways to help you achieve this.

1. Create a Schedule for Your Devices

Creating a schedule for devices is an easy way to cultivate a healthy digital habit. Although avoiding screens may be challenging if you need them for work, you should consider the benefits. You can set a daily alarm or time in your calendar to remind you to pause your device usage.

Use this period of time to go for walks, eat, or interact with people around you. While taking a break, you should leave mobile devices behind. You can also leave them in a different room when you are indoors. This act helps you to avoid the natural tendency to check your devices.

You can take it a step further by putting them in your bag or pocket so that you learn to control yourself around devices. However, you can create time to reply to social media messages and utilize the best time to post on X.

2. Turn Off Notifications

Avoiding your phone or computer isn’t enough if notifications keep reminding you of their presence. It can create stress and pressure to check and respond to messages immediately. You can turn off notifications for social media, email, and texts while you are away. This move will allow you to concentrate on other activities.

Don’t worry about missing out on anything; you can attend to them when available. Alternatively, you can turn off push notifications on your phone. This would allow you to avoid constant alerts about messages and posts from social platforms and other websites.

3. Uninstall Addictive Applications

It may sound extreme, but installing apps can help you overcome your technology addiction. If you notice some apps don’t allow you to concentrate, you should consider deleting or deactivating them. One such move is temporarily deactivating your Twitter, aka X account. Similarly, you can delete media files that complicate your mental well-being.

You can always back up important apps and media files to avoid missing essential details. Their absence on smartphones and computers will make you think less about them. It will allow you to spend quality time on other things.

4. Utilize Your Mobile Device Settings

Most smartphones have several built-in features and tools for limiting screen time. You can adjust screen time and schedule downtime on iPhones. During the downtime, the phone will only allow phone calls or specific apps. It will also set a time limit for the specified apps.

You can also install the Digital Well-being app on Android smartphones. This app works similarly to manage your device usage. Information from the app can help you set a schedule to limit your digital activities.

5. Designate No-Phone Areas

Setting limits and turning off notifications doesn’t work without the determination to detox. Removing yourself completely from your device is a better option. You can create no-phone areas in your home to avoid mobile phones. For instance, banning electronic devices from your bedroom will help you sleep better.

You can choose a less comfortable place to use devices. Physical discomfort may prevent you from browsing for a long time.

6. Degrade Your Phone

Eliminate distractions by replacing your smartphone with a small cell phone that supports limited apps. Using a lower phone with fewer apps can control your overuse of technology. You can only access simple call and text features to connect with people.

7. Consider Getting Support From Other People

Support from people around you can push you to exceed your expectations. You can seek moral support from your loved ones to help you restrain from reaching for your devices. You can also seek professional help and support to take a break from technology.

Talking to someone can help you recover from anxiety and depression. You can also try spending quality time with friends or performing physical activities that can boost your confidence.

A glass of drink and an apple beside a white laptop.

How Long Should a Detox Last?

A tech detox should last until you can control your technology usage. Everyone has different relationships with their digital devices. So, it will take different times to overcome an addiction. You may notice changes after a few hours, while some may take days or months.

You can stop your detox journey when you notice you can do without your devices. Setting and committing to a goal is the first step to beginning the journey. You can set the duration for two or three days and then extend it if you notice fewer changes.

An illustration of a person confused about the information on a digital device.

5 Tips To Complete a Digital Detox Challenge

Resolving to detox yourself from technology is a good move towards a positive lifestyle. Congratulations on taking such a big step! However, everything may not go as planned without dedication and commitment. But don’t worry; some tips to complete a digital detox challenge can set you on the right track.

1. Take Small Steps

Due to a previous addiction problem, immediately eliminating technology can be challenging. Utilizing all the ways to detox is a little extreme for a first-timer. Thus, taking one step at a time is best to understand what works for you. You don’t have to spend an entire day without technological devices.

You can start with short breaks or intervals and then extend it later. You can also identify positive applications that can impact your life. Utilizing these apps will help you deal with temptation during the detox challenge.

2. Be Confident

Many people dealing with technology addiction use various devices to avoid physical interaction. Some people don’t have the confidence to talk to other people. Some others use it to distract themselves from what is happening around them. During a cleansing challenge, they may shy away from people.

If you are in this situation, you need confidence in yourself. Don’t let other people put you down. Share your thoughts to encourage discussions. Believe in yourself to find solutions to problems around you. Be confident that you can complete the challenge. Soon, you’ll notice physical interaction is beneficial for you.

3. Define Achievable Goals

Whether limiting time spent on devices and applications or eliminating them, you must define your goals. Set the goals and outcomes you want to achieve from the challenge and stick to them. You can write them on paper or a board to remind yourself of your aim.

4. Fill Your Free Time

A break from technology and digital media gives you much free time. Make sure to schedule plenty of enjoyable activities to keep you busy. You could pick up a new hobby in your new-found spare time.

5. Clean Your Social Media Accounts

A major tip to complete a digital cleansing challenge is to clean your social media accounts. This means identifying and unfollowing non-beneficial pages and accounts. They should be accounts that only post pointless updates and information. Of course, it’ll be best to avoid social media completely.

However, changing your content may encourage your approach towards a positive lifestyle. Following fewer accounts will save you time and make you feel better because you enjoy more quality time. Similarly, you can delete posts that attract the wrong people to your account.

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