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Social Media Presence: Building a Solid Brand Online

Ochai Emmanuel

January 9, 2024 | 10 min read

When we talk about social media platforms, there are some people you involuntarily remember immediately. Popular people on specific platforms exert significant influence there. These have invested in building a social media presence, and their popularity and influence are the results. Businesses and brands also benefit from a reliable online presence, facilitating a smoother interaction between them and customers. 

Social media is now the new assembly point of society. You’ll find family, friends, fans, companies and customers here. However, this stream of people can be overwhelming, making it difficult to stand out. That is why you need a strong presence on your desired platform. This article shows how to achieve this as an individual or a business. 

A picture of colorful letters placed on a white background to spell “SOCIAL MEDIA.”

Why Do Businesses Establish a Presence on Social Media Platforms?

Every business today has a website or a social media handle, which they strive to keep active. Many even spend huge sums growing their sites and accounts. But why do businesses establish a presence on social media platforms? The reasons are numerous, but they all head in the direction of growth and development of the firm. 

Besides the products and services, customers are another essential factor determining business success. All businesses need an efficient channel for sourcing and maintaining their desired customer base. Fortunately, social media has proven an effective channel for this, hence its wide adoption by businesses. 

Consider three reasons businesses establish and grow their online presence and what they aim to achieve. 

1. Establishing a Digital Presence To Grow and Maintain Their Customer Base

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All companies want their product to become the product of choice for the target audience. Thus, the goal is always to gain and retain as many customers as possible. Today, a house-to-house or market campaign is less effective than social media. With the right platforms, businesses can reach and attract many more customers. 

Further, the platform provides an easier channel for customers to communicate with the companies. Here, they send reviews and feedback and even ask questions about products. For example, on Twitter, X users can now reach companies with their Twitter handles. Then, they can engage with them publicly in the space or privately in DMs. 

2. Using Online Presence To Advertise Products and Services

Although good products sell themselves, the customers must know about the products to purchase them. Consequently, many brands use social media for business marketing to advertise their products and services. This approach is effective because you’ll find your desired audience on these platforms. 

While advertising, brands also use this platform to gain authority and credibility. Several media platforms allow for more informative advertisements using different types of content, including media and visual content. With these tools, companies create more appeal for their product and services to gain better conversions. 

3. Growing a Digital Presence To Keep Pace With the Competition

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of business sustainability. Although product quality and service delivery primarily influence this, your existing competition also impacts their satisfaction greatly. Fortunately, brands now use social media to keep abreast of the activities of others in the industry and evaluate their stand. 

In fact, social media is the best place to evaluate customer preferences. On the platforms, you’ll get accurate statistics and learn why your customers favor one brand over another. That will provide an actual basis for improvement to help you beat the competition and maintain relevance.

A photo of a hand holding a white phone displaying the analytics page of a social media account.

How To Grow Social Media Presence for Your Business

Undoubtedly, you know that being present on social media differs from gaining and growing your presence there. For businesses and brands, the latter is more important. However, achieving this requires a lot of hard work, commitment, patience and objectivity. But, if you’re wondering how to grow social media presence, this section contains some basics to guide you. It outlines four tips to help you start on any platform, especially Twitter. 

Knowing Your Audience: The First Step To Building Your Presence Online

Social media has a pyramid effect; you must climb on others to stand tall and gain visibility. Unfortunately, you can’t forcefully climb on anymore; you only rise through their approval. So, if you want to grow your digital presence, an important step is satisfying your audience. However, you can only do that when you know them and what they like. 

Knowing your audience allows you to create and post content that they like and when they’ll engage it more. With a good content strategy, you’ll earn better engagement, increasing your social media visibility and presence. With time, your influence, authority and credibility will skyrocket!

Post Regularly and Engage Your Audience Effectively

An online presence goes closely with a digital voice. For people to feel your presence online, they must hear you. So, speak through your content. When promoting a brand or business, be consistent. Draft a social media strategy to guide your posts and activities. Additionally, try to engage your audience and make your account homely. Don’t just feed information; share it by participating in it through comments and discussion. For businesses like a Twitter business account, quickly respond to customers, doing so politely. That will increase their satisfaction and raise the appeal of prospective customers.

An artistic image showing various social media logos on a brown background with “SOCIAL” written below the logos.

Build Online Relationships To Strengthen Your Online Presence

Growing a sustainable online presence is more important and challenging than establishing one. Your social presence must endure for your business to thrive and grow sustainably. One way to ensure this is through strong online relationships. Don’t just make it about you and your brand when interacting online. Join a thought group online and grow with them. 

As a business, you can also promote non-profits while promoting your business. That will help you build favorable online relationships that will aid your growth. To do this on Twitter, join Twitter Circles, create lists and hop into Spaces and Chats. You’ll find inexhaustible options here. 

Promote Your Social Media Accounts for a Wider Reach

Another way to improve your media presence is by promoting your accounts. You can share your handles with friends on several platforms. You can also embed Twitter into your website to help direct your web visitors to your page. Social media campaigns can also help you with such promotions. Run ad campaigns for engagements and link clicks to your other social accounts. 

When you create and share good content on your handle, your account will grow passively, which is determined by X’s algorithm. Nevertheless, you can induce active growth by promoting your accounts and content widely. With more reach comes more engagement, followers, credibility and authority. Remember, though, this approach is effective for accounts with attractive social media profiles, so build yours!

A neon sign on a dark background shaped like an online message box with zero likes depicted in it.

How to Balance Your Social Media Privacy With a Solid Presence

So far, you’ve only seen the good that comes with growing a digital presence. On the flip side, several responsibilities accompany it; the primary among these is your privacy and safety. Even if you represent a business, you’ll benefit from a reasonable level of social media privacy to protect your business. But how can you ensure this privacy? 

The key factor or action that builds your online presence is sharing. Interestingly, your privacy and safety level depends on understanding the line between sharing and oversharing. Most businesses share social media posts advertising a product, sometimes with full descriptions. When doing this, always be careful not to share too much. Always screen your content for sensitive information about your products and business to protect your brand. 

Social media is proof of the evolution of this information age. With sufficient information, anyone can steal your business identity and ruin your brand. So, be careful not to be the source of that information.

A closeup image of a phone screen showing the social tab with various apps in it.

Top 3 Companies With Best Social Media Presence To Learn From

There are many companies with successful products and good online identities. These businesses have learned how to establish and maintain their presence on social media. You can benefit from studying their examples to learn from them. Therefore, this section reviews some companies with the best social media presence on Twitter as examples for you. 

Learning Follower Interaction From PlayStation

With over 26 million followers, it is safe to say that PlayStation has attained a good digital presence on X. Little wonder it is one of the most popular brands on X. But how did they get here, and what keeps them soaring? 

PlayStation applies some basic tips for building an online presence, and the result now speaks for itself. For example, the company tweets consistently, always sharing content about its product. They always share gaming clips, teaser videos, game trailers and more. These receive thousands of views and engagement, extending their visibility and reach. 

Further, they operate an engaging and interactive account. Many tweeps have confirmed that PlayStation accounts are very responsive. When customers request information, even in DMs, they respond swiftly and appropriately. This business account interacts so much with its customers that they sometimes retweet their followers’ content about their product!

Now you understand why this brand has so many followers and is a leading example in building an online presence.  

Learn How To Build an Online Reputation From Nike

Nike employs a dynamic approach to attain a strong digital presence on all social platforms, even X. They have an effective content strategy encouraging numerous social media posts on their account. However, this strategy has a unique feature. Rather than focusing entirely on the brand and products, Nike places their customers at the center of their content. 

When they tweet, you’ll likely find stories of their consumers, usually athletes and teams, shared in the content. With the consumers in the light, Nike subtly appears as a partner brand helping their customers achieve their goals. 

They also nurture and develop online relationships that help build their reputation through seemingly non-profit activities. On their handle, you’ll find Nike promoting gender and racial equality, encouraging sustainable living, etc. Such focus developed a good reputation for this company as a brand for the people.

A closeup picture of a hand operating a phone trying to start a new Instagram post.

Add Humanity to Your Account: The Key to JetBlue’s Twitter Success

Many X business accounts fail to achieve their goals because of their handling. The administrators run the account stiffly and overly professionally, forgetting it exists in a social space. That is what JetBlue avoids, and it is the key reason for its success on Twitter. How would a flight company with numerous competitors grow its business through a solid online presence? Here’s how JetBlue does it.

JetBlue appears as a friend to their customers on social media to offer outstanding customer service through this channel. They quickly respond to customer complaints, public and private, all politely. More interesting is how they handle negative feedback, a common industry feature. 

Still, they creatively advertise their services through appealing vacation ideas and promotional tweets. Following JetBlue’s activities on Twitter, you get to feel the person/people behind the tweet, not just the company. 

Undoubtedly, you’ll want your business to have a similar or better digital presence than these examples discussed. If you have a Twitter business account, you already have the most important tool. Now, you only need to apply the tips and lessons shared here to grow a solid social media presence. But what if your account is already going in the wrong direction? 

You can clean it up and restart your X campaign with TweetEraser. It is a web-based Twitter management software that helps you clear your timeline with a single click. With a free version, you can perform bulk deletion seamlessly. Additionally, the premium version buys you advanced features like automation of tweet deletion. TweetEraser is easy to use and effective for rebranding and restructuring any X account. So, start filtering and cleaning your Twitter timeline today!

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