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Twitter Hashtag Search: Tracking These Tags on the Platform

Ochai Emmanuel

August 7, 2023 | 11 min read

Hashtags have provided an effective way of labeling content and grouping some on social media platforms. While these tags act as labels, they also boost growth on social platforms like Twitter, now known as X. Correctly using these elements aid growth by increasing visibility, engagement, and the rate of conversion in return. However, finding the ideal tags can be quite challenging, thus the concerns about performing an X, or Twitter hashtag search.

People gravitate toward trending and popular hashtags when tracking useful hashtags on Twitter aka X. This phenomenon occurs because of the usefulness of these hashtags to attract views and engagement. A Twitter hashtag search offers valid options that produce the best results in cases like this. Thus, this complete guide discusses searching hashtags on the platform. It also touches on the areas of popular and trending tags.

A picture of a smartphone displaying Twitter’s Twitter account.

How To Search for Twitter Hashtags Using Features: Tracking Hashtags on the Platform

Searching for Twitter hashtags, aka X hashtags, is a crucial way of regularly following content relating to specific topics. People use these tags to characterize and classify their tweets, marking them as pointers toward specific conversations and topics. However, there is some clarity surrounding how to search for Twitter hashtags. Fortunately, several ways to search for hashtags on social media platforms exist. Let’s get them.

How To Search for Twitter Hashtags From In-App Searches

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X, previously Twitter, has an in-app search feature that allows users to scour the platform for different kinds of content. This search feature lets users keep track of the latest hashtags or those they find interesting. In-app searches help track the top and latest posts containing these tags. Overall, performing a Twitter hashtag search this way is a straightforward process.

Here are four steps for performing this activity:

  1. Log into your X aka Twitter account on your mobile app or the website.
  2. If you’re using the mobile app, tap the search icon screen’s bottom to open the search page. Then, tap the search bar to input the hashtag. 
  3. If you’re on the app’s web version, click the search bar at the top right corner of your homepage.
  4. Enter the hashtag of interest in the search bar and hit the enter option.

Immediately, the social media service will display results containing posts with the hashtag you searched for. From the results page, you can filter your results from the top and latest tweets to the type of media attachment.

A picture of a concrete statue of the hashtag symbol.

How To Perform Twitter Hashtag Search With X (Twitter) Advanced Search

The Twitter advanced search feature is another important characteristic for users to search for hashtags on Twitter. It is the platform’s go-to mechanism for performing highly-specific search actions; thus, it is also useful for tracking hashtags. Like native searches, the advanced search feature is easy to manipulate and straightforward.

You can track hashtags with this Twitter search component in six steps:

  1. First, log into your X aka Twitter account on any browser on your personal computer.
  2. Next, visit the advanced search page on Twitter, triggering the advanced search dialog box to appear.
  3. Enter the hashtags you’re searching for in the “These hashtags” textbox of the “Words” section of the dialog box. 
  4. Scroll down the dialog box and include other search parameters if they apply. For instance, you can choose the minimum engagements from which the app should pull results. You can also choose the date range within which the results should come. 
  5. Finally, click the black “Search” button at the top right corner of the dialog box.

The social media website will draw results for the hashtag according to your preset parameters. Again, users can filter their results based on media, age, and amount of engagement.

How To Search for Twitter Hashtags by Following Tagged Posts

Another efficient way to search for hashtags on Twitter, aka X, is to follow them from tagged tweets. This method is one of the most efficient ways of tracking hashtags; it exploits the hyperlinks accompanying tags in tweets. X, previously Twitter, allows users to click on hashtag text in posts, automatically drawing other posts with the same tags.

So, while scrolling your feed, you may come across tweets with hashtags in them. You’ll instantly draw up hashtag search results by tapping or clicking those hashtags. Although interesting, this technique offers an effective way to keep up with hashtags. Following hashtags on Twitter, this way offers increased convenience.

A picture of a hashtag and a pencil on a notepad.

How To Search for Twitter Hashtags With Third-Party Websites: 2 Options To Try

Third-party websites offer tons of relief when performing unique actions on X, previoulsy Twitter. These applications touch virtually all aspects of Twitter operations. Fortunately, some apps also allow users to search for hashtags on Twitter aka X. But while most of them work quite differently, they aim at the same action. So, here are the websites you’ll find helpful:

Performing an X or Twitter Hashtag Search With Sprout Social

Sprout Social, a third-party web application with social listening tools, is also useful as a tool for Twitter hashtag searches. This website allows users to create practical lists of hot Twitter hashtags, thus optimizing reach and engagement for your content. A crucial Sprout Social characteristic is the trends report. This feature lets users track the tags people mention more frequently when discussing their brands.

Sprout Social lets users keep track of hashtags related to their brands. It provides an extra advantage for users trying to build brands because it paints a picture of the brand’s reputation. Also, this app points users toward the most useful hashtags that could boost engagement if properly used. Sprout Social has remained one of the top apps for searching, tracking, and managing hashtags on the social media platform.

The third-party application also provides keyword stats. In essence, it lets users keep track of specific hashtags, monitoring their usage over time. Here, the users can view the number of published tweets containing the specific hashtag during a chosen time window.

How To Search for Twitter Hashtags With Trendsmap

Trendsmap optimizes Twitter’s in-app search features, adding several useful features that users may find helpful. This third-party application allows tweeps to explore the latest hashtags, browsing their performance records over different periods. In addition, the app provides different perspectives on different topics, filtering them based on popularity and relatedness.

The website, Trendsmap, allows people to search for hashtags on Twitter aka X based on region. The app also designs clear-cut visual depictions of hashtag activity. This way, it offers several filtering parameters for users to toggle the focus for better results. This third-party app alerts people who wish to stay ahead of the dynamics regarding the performance of specific Twitter hashtags.

Besides searching hashtags and tweets, Trendsmap also permits users to browse top users and tweets on X (Twitter). This way, someone can choose a specific window to search for users and parameters with massive engagements.

A photo of a hashtag statuette on a white base in a dark background.

How To Search X or Twitter Trending Hashtags: Using the App and Third-Party Websites To Find Trends

X, previously Twitter, allows users to keep up with daily occurrences, follow trending issues, and join hot conversations. One way to identify trending topics is by searching for Twitter trending hashtags. Trending hashtags are major indications of a major occurrence. So, trending hashtags in popular tweets always tell the story when the platform has a new trend. But how can one search for X or Twitter hashtags that are trending?

Searching Trending Hashtags on the X (Twitter) App and Website

The mobile app and website offer convenient ways to search for Twitter hashtags. From the mobile app, users can access trending hashtags on the search page under the search bar. In the same way, users can view trending hashtags under the search bar on the right side of the screen. In both cases, users can hop to the trends page to view a more comprehensive list of trends.

Remember that the trends on that page are not solely hashtags. You will find trending topics as well. Nonetheless, when you click or tap on these trends, draw results from related original tweets.

Using Hashtagify To Search for Twitter Hashtags That Are Trending

Hashtagify, another third-party web application, allows users to search for trending Twitter hashtags. This web tool is one of the most efficient hashtag tools and helps users gain a wider reach, boosting engagement. Hashtagify maximizes the aim of searching hashtags as it provides the details of any tags you browse.

To use the web app, follow these four steps:

  1. First, visit its website on your web browser and create an account. 
  2. Pick a personal, business, or enterprise plan on the pricing page. The website offers a seven-day free trial on all plans but mandates payments afterward. 
  3. After you’ve paid the subscription fee, return to the homepage and enter a hashtag in the search bar you’ll find. 
  4. Click the “Track” button under the search bar, and the web tool will display the details of the tag.

The results show charts displaying the hashtag’s popularity and recent, monthly, and weekly trends. This way, you can observe the direction of the trend and how popular the tags are. In addition, Hashtagify provides related hashtags, popularity trends, and top influencers the tag relates to. The web tool also includes the top countries using the tags.

Using Tweet Binder To Search Twitter Hashtag aka X Hashtag Trends

Tweet Binder, a Twitter analytics tool, is useful for searching hashtags on the platform. This web tool is suitable for people involved in Twitter marketing. It provides insight into hashtags, highlighting the relevant ones that will produce the best results at different times. The app allows users to track hashtag data in real-time, process hashtag information, and export the obtained reports. It is quite efficient for users to search for hashtags on Twitter, now X.

Tweet Binder scours historical Twitter data to create comprehensive statistics for your activity. It accesses most of the data on the social media platform to provide more valuable results. It provides information on top tags, most viewed tags, and others.

A picture of a hashtag symbol, two rulers, a cup, a book, and a pen on a table.

How to Optimally Use Popular Twitter Hashtags aka X Hashtags: Boosting Growth With This Element

Hashtags are important for people aiming to grow their brand or business on X (Twitter.) In most cases, popular Twitter hashtags are the go-to for this purchase, and for good reasons. First, many users search for popular hashtags; they may see your tweet if you capture the tags. Also, the tags classify your content as relevant and may cause it to rank better to a more relevant audience. Nonetheless, there is still the question of how to use the hashtags.

Search for Twitter Hashtags and Use Ones That Relate to Notable Events

Notable events and occurrences draw a lot of traffic on Twitter, now X. For this reason, correctly using related hashtags during such events helps your brand. For instance, events like the Oscars and the Grammys that spark conversation waves could provide your Twitter breakthroughs.

Again, you must search for Twitter hashtags that apply and are popular enough to provide the audience you desire. In this case, #Oscars, #Grammys2023, and the like could be helpful enough.

Search for Twitter Hashtags on Relevant Topics and Join Them

Adding relevant hashtags could boost your visibility even when using broad interest topics. For example, including generic tags like #technology, #marketing, #television, and others could be highly advantageous. Nonetheless, you must also add specific hashtags that characterize relevant discussions.

Search for Twitter Hashtags Relating to Trends in Pop Culture

Pop culture can be a large factor in social media growth. Because of this, there are a lot of conversations about pop culture. So, while joining these discussions, you must use essential hashtags relating to the topic. For instance, interactions with hashtags on social entertainment, sports, fashion, politics, and slang draw much engagement.

However, you don’t need to join conversations regarding every pop cultural topic. So, your brand must remain in line with the topic at hand. Still, it is necessary to remove tweets occasionally to keep your profile in check. Users sometimes have to delete tweets in bulk; this is where TweetEraser comes into the picture.

At TweetEraser, we’ve created a simple, highly-efficient web tool for filtering and removing tweets in large numbers of tweets. This web application imports Twitter archives, performing specific deletion actions. Also, it does spread promotions on users’ profiles. Start filtering and cleaning your Twitter timeline today!

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