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Deleted Tweets Archive: Find and Modify Your Deleted Posts

Ochai Emmanuel

January 18, 2024 | 7 min read

Social media platforms are popular for brief interactions. It is common to make a post and then delete it on these platforms, even Twitter, now X. Sometimes, however, you may desire to restore a deleted tweet. So, you may wonder whether Twitter keeps a deleted tweets archive for erased posts. 

It is common knowledge that Twitter keeps an archive of your tweets on the platform. You also know that tweets beyond the limit for your timeline automatically enter this archive. 

But how about deleted tweets? Do they remain in your X archive after deletion? Read on to find out.

An image of a laptop on a black background with green code lines running on the screen.

Does Twitter Archive Include Deleted Tweets?

Your Twitter archive is an excellent storage feature for old tweets—the best place to find your earliest tweets. It is a good alternative for the advanced search and Google cache for finding deleted tweets. 

If you know how the X archive works, you’ll understand someone asking, “Does Twitter archive include deleted tweets?” The X archive stores all your tweets, but only when you request the archive for download

Ordinarily, older tweets only trickle into the archive automatically as your tweets exceed the 3,200 limit for your timeline. 

If you want to find posts that were removed or deleted after going over the limit, check your archive. However, if you seek a post you intentionally deleted, finding it in your archive depends on one factor. It depends on whether you updated your archive before deleting the post from your timeline. 

When you request your X archive for download, Twitter first prepares it by updating all recent data, including your tweets. So, if you delete a tweet before requesting your archive, the tweet will not appear in the archive upon download. However, your archive will contain all the tweets you deleted if you updated the archive before deletion.

Thus, your X archive is a good way to back up your Twitter data outside the platform. It is good practice to regularly update and save your X archive as a backup of your Twitter data. This way, you can always find and view your tweets, even after deleting them on the platform.

TweetEraser’s screenshot of the Twitter archive download page in Twitter settings.

Using Twitter Archive To Search Deleted Tweets for Recovery

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When you delete your tweets from X, formerly Twitter, they disappear from the platform. Even retweets of that tweet disappear from other users’ profiles. However, your Twitter archive is one of the few places to find deleted tweets from your account. Tweets deleted after updating and downloading your archive remain there as backup data from your account. 

However, your X archive contains overwhelming data proportionate to your Twitter interactions. Every tweet you have posted since you started on Twitter and all interactions on the platform are in your archive. So, navigating the archive to find deleted tweets can be a hassle. 

Nevertheless, you can find all deleted tweets from your archive with the right guide. This section provides a guide for using a Twitter archive to search deleted tweets. 

When you download the X archive, it is usually a zip file. Here are the six steps to find erased tweets from the archive file:

  1. Create a new folder on your device to extract the archive files. 
  2. Go to your download folder and find the zipped X archive file. 
  3. Right-click the zip file and choose “Extract all” from the sub-menu options. 
  4. Select the new folder created in step one as the location for the extraction. 
  5. After extraction, open the new folder, then find and click “Your archive.html.” An HTML file resembling a Twitter page with your data summary will open on your default browser. 
  6. Open the “Tweets” tab and navigate to find the deleted tweet. Alternatively, you can use the search bar at the top of the page to find deleted tweets using keywords.

Unfortunately, you can only find deleted tweets that make it into your X archive. So, make it a practice to download and save your archive regularly.

A picture of a hand holding a phone with many apps displayed on the screen.

How To Delete Tweets From Archive: The Role of Third-Party Apps

You cannot access your X archive and modify its content on the app like other Twitter features. Moreover, Twitter only sends you a copy of your archive when you request one. So, modifying the content on that external copy does not impact the system’s archive. So, to permanently erase tweets, you must learn how to delete tweets from the archive. 

You can permanently delete tweet archives by uploading them on a third-party archive eraser. No X features allow for the permanent erasing of data from your archive. However, developers have created software applications that effectively handle these tasks. 

Below are five examples of the best apps to employ for this function: 

  1. TweetEraser.
  2. TweetDelete.
  3. CircleBoom.
  4. Twitter Archive Eraser.
  5. TweetDeleter.

These applications are easy to use and affordable. Even a new X user can use it to delete a tweet archive. For instance, here are the five steps to delete tweets from your archive using TweetEraser:

  1. Log into TweetEraser on a desktop tab. 
  2. Sign up with your Twitter credentials and authorize the app. 
  3. Tap “Login” after providing the authentication code. 
  4. After logging in, go to “Tweets” and upload your Twitter archive. 
  5. Select the tweets you wish to delete. Then click“Delete tweets” and confirm your action to erase the selected tweets.
A silhouette image of a hand operating a phone on a dark background.

How To Erase My Twitter Archive and X Digital Footprint

Besides deleting tweets from your X archive, the third-party apps in the preceding section can also help erase your archive. That is a good way to erase your digital footprint completely. The tools help clear all tweets, retweets, and likes from your account. 

Although you can delete tweets with the app’s free version, you can only erase your archive with paid subscriptions. Nevertheless, each system also has an acceptable maximum data file size. For example, you cannot upload an archive file larger than 1MB on TweetEraser and TweetDelete. However, Twitter Archive Eraser allows files of up to 10GB. 

To erase your archive, upload the archive file on any of these apps and delete all data.

A photo of a black phone on a brown background displaying the X logo on the screen.

Does Twitter Have a Deleted Tweet Archive for All Erased Posts?

Unfortunately, Twitter does not keep a specific archive for deleted tweets from an account. You can only find deleted tweets in your archive if you update it before deleting them. Moreover, you’ll find it amidst live tweets in your archive. 

Additionally, Twitter does not automatically archive a tweet when you delete it. Instead, they’ll remove it from the platform. Afterward, it becomes unavailable on the system. Even if someone searches for it on the platform, they won’t find it anymore. 

You can only have a deleted tweet archive when you create one. That is, you download your X archive and delete all your tweets from the platform. Then, your downloaded file becomes an archive of deleted tweets. However, you may also want to erase your deleted tweets archive after some time. 

You can employ TweetEraser for this function. This web-based application is a reliable Twitter management tool for tweet deletion and archive cleaning. 

With a few clicks, you can import tweets into your archive or erase the entire archive using this tool. Its functionality poses no security threat to your X action. So, start filtering and cleaning your Twitter timeline today with TweetEraser!

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