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Brand Reputation Management: Creating a Solid Brand Identity

Ochai Emmanuel

September 27, 2023 | 11 min read

Perhaps you’ve already established a business or are looking to start one soon. Whichever one, your ultimate goal would be to meet customer satisfaction and get positive reviews. None of this is possible without proper brand reputation management. Your business growth and customer loyalty depend on your actions to keep your brand in the spotlight. Whatever strategy you implement will either make or break your brand.

The lifespan of a business depends on the public perception of the brand. Potential customers would want to browse the reviews about your business. A positive reputation will determine their willingness to become loyal customers in the future. Hence, effective brand management is key to achieving this. If you want to take action to stay on top of the game, this article guides you through it.

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What Is Brand Reputation Management? Resources and Moves to Boom a Business

Brand reputation management is a recurrent process of observing and preserving a brand’s reputation. It involves getting to know what the public thinks of your business identity. It also includes taking strategic actions to influence their perception. Managing a brand’s reputation involves carefully accumulating and analyzing public perception. This process gives you the information you need to build a positive reputation. Then, create an action plan to maintain your business reputation.

Damage control, image protection, and customer satisfaction are key contributors you must know. Managing a brand’s reputation is a collective effort from all the staff at every organizational level. Additionally, managing a brand’s reputation involves several strategies to achieve success. However, this strategic planning depends on three social support systems. They aid your plan with up-to-date insights, so you provide effective solutions.

Social Listening for Successful Reputation Management

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Social media is a common ground for customers to discuss brands and for marketers to gather information. Social listening tools allow marketers to collate and analyze online conversations about your business. Concentrating on one channel won’t give you accurate information. Social listening will give you insights across several channels. Collated data are a foundation for risk prevention during brand reputation management.

Analyzing conversations helps you to identify your shortcomings and eliminate impending crises. Sprout social listening tool is perfect for audience analysis, competitor comparison, sentiment research, and customer feedback. This tool evaluates decline and incline in the sentiment analysis of your brand. Hootsuite is another effective tool for customizing reports, social inboxes, and publishing calendars. This social listening tool monitors trends and tracks your brand sentiment in real time.

Accessing Competitor Data for Outstanding Reputation Management

According to Sprout Social Index, ninety percent of marketers acknowledge social data helps them stay ahead of the competition. Listening to data clarifies your stand in the industry against your competitors. Their social profile contains adequate information to create a standard for your brand reputation management plan. Conducting regular comparative analysis can create opportunities to exceed your rival standards.

After analyzing your competitor’s data, a social listening tool can help you support your analysis. It can analyze your brand visibility by monitoring your brand’s reputation in the industry.

Review Data for Creating a Brand Reputation Management Plan

Review sites are the best places to find customer feedback on any service, product, or experience. Although sorting through the multitude can be quite demanding, reviews are a direct report from customers. Your social media management tool can quickly sort out reviews. Sorting through them will help you identify the pattern you need to develop strategies.

A picture of someone writing on sticky notes and attaching them to a white sheet.

What Are Brand Reputation Management Strategies? Schemes to Business Success

Brand reputation management strategies are actions taken to control a person, company, or business reputation. It involves observing offline and online reviews about a business. Then, creating an action plan to deal with threats and take advantage of opportunities to improve its image. It is essential to understand the public opinion of your brand and make efforts to improve or change it.

Strategic actions to build a business reputation revolve around two action plans. The first is observing, and the second is reacting to these observations. Observing involves monitoring customer feedback and competitor opinions of your business. Reacting involves taking measures to manage or change these ideas about your brand. It is essential to have strategies to manage any business identity. But what specific reasons make these strategies important?

Here are three of them:

  1. Reviews influence purchase decisions to become loyal customers. Some negative reviews can discourage potential customers from involving themselves with your brand. At the same time, positive reviews can make your product and service their top choice. Therefore, taking action to meet customer satisfaction is paramount.
  2. Satisfying your current clients encourages them to introduce potential customers to your business. Their positive comments contribute to influencing these prospects to become loyal clients. Applying several strategies to satisfy your clients is essential to achieving this.
  3. Positive outstanding performance can help influence your competitors. Accessing your online reputation and comparing it with your competitors is a priority here. Several strategic moves help you achieve success in this. This puts you ahead of the game and convinces clients to make you a top choice.
A picture of people discussing business on a round table with a board containing a chart in the background.

5 Steps To Implementing Brand Reputation Management Strategies

Understanding you need an action plan to help your business thrive isn’t enough. Taking the right steps to put them to use is compulsory. You must access your current situation and available resources to achieve your business goals. Attaining any business success is possible if you use the steps appropriately. Let’s analyze the steps to implementing brand reputation management strategies for a successful business.

1. Strategically Tracking Your Present Brand Reputation

Monitoring business online reputations help the concerned parties to strategize properly. This helps them to analyze the current situation on every channel. Many people give online reviews about different brands on several channels. The main priority is recognizing where to find your clients by first determining your product or service. This will help you sort out positive reviews and negative sentiments.

Here are seven channels to track your customer reviews:

  1. Social media platforms
  2. App stores
  3. eCommerce websites
  4. Review websites
  5. Blogs
  6. Forums
  7. News websites

All these channels are places people go to discuss satisfactory products and services. As familiar as your business might seem, you can never fully know your shortcomings. You can take time to identify other places where your client reviews your business. These actions are all part of successful brand reputation management.

2. Strategically Analyzing Your Competitor’s Reputation

After analyzing your situation, the next step is to do the same for your competitors. Comparing your reputation with theirs helps you to identify your weak spot. You must carefully analyze their ratings, comments, reviews, and mentions on every channel. A comparative analysis of this data with yours will help boost your reputation above theirs. Your brand reputation management schemes should revolve around this analytical result.

Analyzing your competitors will help you understand what problems their customers face. This includes their inability to deliver adequate satisfaction. In addition, you can use their customer feedback to learn from their mistakes and limitations. This will give you insight into the dos and don’ts of customer service.

3. Strategically Bringing in Stakeholders

Managing a business identity is no easy feat. Several parties and departments impact customer satisfaction. It would help if you involved other brands and stakeholders for maximum impact. Analyze your risk and opportunities to identify the parties involved in your strategy. Concerned parties include experts in sales, marketing, customer care, public relations, etc.

Identify key players in charge of managing reviews and comments. Discuss your shortcomings and action plan with them. Create a brand reputation management plan for your next line of action.

4. Strategically Monitoring and Controlling Future Reviews

While implementing your action plan, you must employ a system to track and manage your reviews. Several review websites and tools are available to assist. You can combine them with your business and social websites for accurate data. You can start your brand reputation management scheme with any of these tools.

Here are three common options:

  1. Reputology
  2. Statusbrew
  3. QuestionPro CX Reputation

These tools will help you reply to comments and manage your online presence. Some use AI sentiment analysis and real-time analytic dashboards to collect and analyze feedback.

5. Strategically Developing a Crisis Response Plan

A crisis plan involves how your business will react during any difficult situation. Unforeseen circumstances sometimes arise, but your preparation will determine your brand’s response. Crises you need to consider while making a crisis plan are those inevitable ones.

Here are four of them:

  1. Issues with products and customer criticism.
  2. Employee, department, and branch errors.
  3. Site or platform failure.
  4. Global tragedies, events, and problems.

While these crises need quick response, identifying opportunities amid everything is essential. Use your strengths and shortcomings to your advantage. Narrow down whatever strategy works for your brand and utilize it to the maximum.

A picture of a silver laptop displaying some statistics on its screen.

Online Brand Reputation Management: 4 Social Mediums To Top the Industry

Online brand reputation management is a definite process that puts you in charge of your brand. Many marketers and business owners resort to online channels to monitor their popularity. Monitoring conversations and interactions online yields the same results as doing so offline. Managing a brand’s reputation online revolves around four media channels.

1. Paid Media

Paid media includes online content on paid websites that feature your brand. These websites include your products or services in their online content. Social media Ads, sponsored posts, Google Ads, and promotions by influencers are all channels you can employ. Paid media can be quite expensive and demanding.

But on the bright side, it gives you full control of the narrative. Determining the content these mediums put out there is up to you. You are also in charge of determining the content that features your business.

2. Earned Media

Earned media revolves around free publicity your brand receives from third-party platforms. These platforms include blog posts, press coverage, forums, external review sites, and industry-specific third-party listings. You can contact them to get coverage for your product or service.

At the same time, your online listings, mentions, and reviews can earn you voluntary coverage. It depends on your online brand reputation management plan to meet customer satisfaction. Earned media puts your brand in the spotlight and builds trust among customers.

3. Shared Media

Shared media comprises any social media posts relating to your brand. It could be content from your business account or someone else’s. Bad comments, low ratings, and negative reviews can damage your online reputation. Paying attention to this content on social media is essential to your brand. Observe any content about your brand and quickly attend to negative reviews.

4. Owned Media

Owned media refers to any self-controlled media channel. This includes your websites and blogs. You can improve your ranking on search engines by controlling the reach of these channels.

Here are five ways to go about this:

  1. Create valuable content for your audience.
  2. Employ search engine optimization in your content.
  3. Use backlinks from authoritative sites in your niche.
  4. Maintain your presence in local search queries.
  5. Target relevant branded keywords.

Following these and other SEO practices will increase your chances of ranking higher on search engines. Users will get to access your brand when their search queries relate to your keywords. Getting a Twitter blue check will also boost your online reputation.

A picture of a 3D illustration of the former Twitter bird logo on a blue-black background.

Tips for Using Twitter for Reputation Management: Social Media Power on Brand

Many people look up many brands, businesses, and products on Twitter, now known as X. The content on your X, aka Twitter account, will influence others’ perception of your brand. Therefore, utilizing X for your reputation management is essential to your business. Social media reputation management can boost your image, revenue, and brand awareness. If you plan on using Twitter for Reputation management, some useful tips can boost your engagement.

Here are five of them:

  1. Engage your audience with relevant content. Reply, retweet, and involve yourself in conversations with your audience.
  2. Show off positive reviews about your brand on your content.
  3. Determine and focus on your niche to have consistency in your tweets and retweets.
  4. Keep away unrelated content from your business account. You can post on your personal account if you must put this content out there.
  5. Hire a professional reputation management firm to build your brand on X, aka Twitter. This is essential if handling your account is overwhelming.

Managing your identity on social media isn’t an easy feat. As a preventive measure, you may want to know how to set privacy on X, aka Twitter. Negative comments and content can discourage potential customers. Thankfully, you can delete posts, clear your timeline, and manage your content with effective tools.

At TweetEraser, we have designed a simple, highly efficient web application for filtering and deleting bulk tweets. This app helps load, import, and delete tweets and archives effortlessly. This web tool does not spread promotional information on your timeline. So, start filtering and cleaning your X timeline today!

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