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View Deleted Tweet: How To See Removed Twitter Posts

Ochai Emmanuel

June 23, 2023 | 10 min read

Many Twitter users publish tweets and remove them every day. This could be for one of many reasons. For instance, the tweets may no longer represent their thoughts. Also, the tweets may not have gotten the expected reaction from viewers. What happens if the post authors or someone else needs access to those removed tweets? This is why users have inquired about how to view deleted tweets. 

Several techniques and tools help people to view these removed tweets. These include some Twitter features and third-party applications. When users properly manipulate these techniques and tools, they can draw removed tweets, view them, and share them. Therefore, this guide explains how to view deleted tweets and how to view tweets from deleted accounts.  

A picture of someone holding a smartphone with Twitter’s blue welcome page displaying.

Popular Deleted Tweet Viewers: Apps for Viewing Removed Tweets

In some instances, it becomes essential to view deleted tweets. So, there are several questions about the techniques and applications that allow users to perform this action. Not to worry, there are several deleted tweet viewers on the internet. These are primarily third-party applications that store data from Twitter accounts, allowing users to access them at later dates. Here are some of these apps to help with your aim.

A closeup photograph of a mobile phone's screen showing several apps, including Twitter.

Using the Wayback To View Deleted Tweets

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The Wayback Machine is arguably one of the most helpful internet tools for viewing removed posts on Twitter. This machine also popularized as the Internet Archive, is a digital archive of the internet. It permits users to view old archived versions of websites, including archived copies of social media websites like Twitter. Consequently, it is also useful for people trying to retrieve and view deleted tweets. 

The Wayback Machine does not guarantee you’ll find the removed tweet you want. However, it is a valuable option for users trying to find these deleted tweets for personal or professional purposes. To view deleted tweets with the Internet Archive, visit the tweet author’s profile and copy the URL. 

Then, go to the Wayback Machine website and paste the Twitter profile link in the search bar on the homepage. Always enter the full URL, including the “https://” prefix. Also, remember that this machine only archives content available to the public. If the account of interest was private when it made the removed tweet, you might not find it here. 

After entering the Twitter profile link, click the “Browse History” button. Immediately, the website will load a page with a calendar of archived copies of the Twitter profile. You will see blue highlights from the calendar on the days the machine archived the account. Choose a date on which the tweet author made the deleted tweet. Remember that the Wayback Machine does not archive web pages every day. So, some dates may be missing from the calendar. 

After choosing a date, the website will display a screenshot of the Twitter account as it took that day. Although you can scroll down a bit, it does not allow regular Twitter actions. 

A photograph of an iPhone screen displaying several social media apps, including Twitter.

How To View Deleted Tweets From Politicians With Politwoops

The service, Politwoops, follows tweets from public officials, allowing users to view deleted tweets from their accounts. The website tracks people occupying public offices as well as candidates vying for these public offices. It works by saving and publishing removed posts from the Twitter accounts of United States politicians. The service initially began in the Netherlands. However, an ownership change introduced it to the United States. 

Politwoops follows Twitter posts from House, Senate, Governorship, and Presidential candidates. Its popularity skyrocketed during 2016’s presidential elections due to the controversy surrounding former President Donald Trump. It was pivotal in confirming fake news and authentic stories. 

Unfortunately, Twitter’s recent change of ownership service has also destabilized the service. Twitter’s new API features have cut the service off, as it does not track fresh tweet deletions. However, users can still access and view deleted tweets from 2022 back.

An illustration of the Twitter logo with the retweet, hashtag, like, comment, and direct message icons.

How To View Deleted Tweets on Twitter: Using Twitter Archives and Google Searches

Several inquiries remain regarding the possibility of accessing removed tweets in the Twitter application. Although there are no clear-cut ways to view deleted tweets in the app, several other alternatives exist. If your concern is how to view deleted tweets on Twitter, consider these options. You can view your removed Twitter posts in your previously saved archives. When there is a public figure involved, you can find their deleted tweets by Googling them.  

You Can View Deleted Tweets From Your Old Twitter Archives

Your archives are a goldmine when it comes to your information on Twitter. If you can access your archive, you’ll find much insight regarding your operations on the platform. In addition to other information like your likes and direct messages, Twitter includes tweets in the archive. This makes it an excellent option for people trying to view deleted tweets. 

How does this work? Twitter displays only your last 3,200 tweets on the timeline. So, you’d have to download and go through your archive to access your earliest tweets. After downloading your Twitter archive, you may return to Twitter and delete a few posts here and there. However, those posts you deleted will remain in your archive, and you can access them anytime. 

Because of this and several other reasons, it is essential to download your Twitter archive occasionally. To download this file, visit the Twitter application or the website and log into your account. If you’re using the mobile application, tap your profile icon from the homepage, and the left sidebar will appear. Tap “Settings and Support” and choose “Settings and Privacy.” Choose the first, “Your account.”

On the next page, choose the third option, “Download an archive of your data.” Twitter will redirect you to another page where you can confirm your identity and complete your request. You’ll receive a notification after a day or two indicating that your archive is ready for download. From there, you can save the zip file to your device, unzip it, and browse through it. 

The archive comes in different formats, including HTML and CSV. You can browse the archive in your web browser or a spreadsheet application. 

A photograph of a tablet with Google's homepage displayed on the screen.

View Deleted Tweets From Public Figures by Googling Them

The internet has made it easier to place a monitoring eye on the lives of public figures. Politicians, musicians, footballers, news anchors, and many others have earned watchful eyes on all their affairs. This way, it has become easy to find their sometimes incoherent tweets, which do not last on their screen for long. Simply running a Google search about their recently deleted tweet could bring back fruitful results. 

It also depends on how controversial the deleted tweets may be; many gossip blogs are always ready to pounce. In these cases, you can view deleted tweets but usually only find the screenshots.

How To View Someone’s Deleted Tweets: Tracing Other Users’ Removed Posts

Apart from being able to view deleted tweets from your account, it is sometimes crucial to view someone else’s. This could be for the sake of arguments or to discover evidence. So, there are tons of inquiries about how to view someone’s deleted tweets. Fortunately, you can view recently removed Twitter posts and tweets from way back. The Google cache is an excellent way of viewing recently removed tweets. Also, Twitter’s advanced search may provide the service you crave. 

A photograph of someone browsing their Twitter feeds on an Android smartphone.

Using Google Cache To View Deleted Tweets From Others

The Google cache is another effective option for those looking to view deleted tweets from other Twitter accounts. Google Cache provides a snapshot of web pages that the search engine captures and helps access removed content. In the same way, you can use it to find deleted tweets in a few simple steps. 

First, launch your browser on your computer and head to Google’s search page. Enter the username of the deleted tweet’s author and text if you can find it. Run the search and check the results you’ll get. Remember that the tweet would appear in the search results if Google had indexed it before its deletion. 

Next, find the cached link. Find the tiny green arrow beside the title of that page indicating that there’s a cached version of that page. Hit the green arrow and click the cached link you’ll find. Your browser will redirect you to that saved version of the tweet. Remember that this doesn’t always work and may appear slightly different from the original tweet. However, your result would always contain the text in the original tweet. 

A picture of a Twitter user holding a smartphone with Twitter's blue welcome page displaying on the screen.

Twitter’s Advanced Search Also Allows Users To View Deleted Tweets

Twitter’s advanced search is another option for users trying to view deleted tweets. This technique offers several advantages relating to safety; it allows users to conduct their searches right on the Twitter website. Therefore, they do not have to provide third-party access and risk compromising their accounts. Although the advanced search does not assure definite results, it is worth a shot.

To begin, visit the Twitter advanced search page on your web browser. From the dialog box that pops up, enter the words contained in the tweet you’re searching for. Next, go to the accounts section and enter the account username. Then, head to the dates section and choose the time range within which the user published the tweet you’re interested in. 

Finally, click the search button at the top right corner of the dialog box. Twitter will immediately display your result. Although this technique works sometimes, there is no assurance that it will produce the desired results. 

A picture of an iPhone showing Donald Trump’s suspended Twitter account on its screen.

How To View Tweets From a Deleted Account: Is This Even Possible?

Sometimes, Twitter users go for the ultimate clear-out on their accounts. People delete their entire Twitter accounts, making it quite challenging to trace their tweets and activity on the platform. Still, there may be the need to find and access posts from their accounts. Well, it is already tricky to view deleted tweets; how about how to view tweets from a deleted account?

Again, the Wayback Machine comes back into play. It is the ultimate answer for people trying to view tweets from deleted accounts. This machine crawls the internet and saves snapshots of different web pages for future reference. The web application also saves snapshots of Twitter accounts, especially that of influential individuals and corporations. It also allows the public to access these web pages at later dates. 

To use it, visit the Wayback Machine’s website and enter the Twitter profile’s URL in the central search bar. If you cannot find the URL of the deleted account, enter[@username] in the search bar. Replace the [@username] with the account’s username and hit “Browse History.” 

If that account’s history is available, the Wayback Machine will display a calendar. There, you can choose a date and view the screenshot of that Twitter profile as it appeared on that date. The machine does not save pages daily, so it highlights the dates with available screenshots in blue. At TweetEraser, we’ve created a web application that helps users filter and erase tweets in bulk. This straightforward and easy-to-use application allows users to upload and process their Twitter archives, thus performing advanced deletion operations. TweetEraser is ideal for people who want to declutter their Twitter timelines without dealing with promotional content. Start filtering and cleaning your Twitter timeline today!

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