Upload your Twitter archive



After you reached successful the TweetEraser statuses page and your last most recent tweets has been loaded you’ll see at the top of the page the stauses menu.





Before you can upload your Twitter archive into TweetEraser you have to request your archive from Twitter. Just go to your Twitter account settings, scroll to the the page bottom and click the button called “Request your archive“. Usually after a few minutes (depending on how much tweets your time line contains) you should retrieve an email message from Twitter that your archive has been successful created and stays ready for download. Click the download link within the email and save you archive on your local device.

At TweetEraser please click the button called “Upload Archive” and select your just downloaded archive file. The upload should start immediately after you have selected your Twitter archive file.

Once your archive has been uploaded to TweetEraser a automated process will pick up your import order. IMPORTANT: Depending on the current workload on our server, it might be possible that your import will not start immediately.





In that case please be patient. Usually a upload/import of 10,000 tweets takes somewhere about 1 minute. Depending on the tweets count of your archive it will take accordingly more time (100,000 tweets aprox. 10 minutes).

However, until your archive import hasn’t been processed completely, you’ll see a loader on the statuses page. Even if you logout and login at a later time, assuming your import process is still not finished, you’ll see the loader on the statuses page.

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