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Twitter View Limit: X’s Restriction on Content Visibility 

Ochai Emmanuel

October 2, 2024 | 8 min read

Twitter, the app now called X, limits user actions to reduce back-end errors and server downtimes and increase reliability. The Twitter view limit is one major restriction that affects user activities in the app. If you’re one to spend your leisure hours scrolling through content on your timeline, you’ll have to go easy.

If you view too much content quickly, X will display a “rate limit exceeded” error message on your page. Therefore, it’s advisable to view content moderately. But then, what’s the exact limit to how much you can see on Twitter, aka X? Keep reading, and you’ll find out.

A person holding a smartphone and scrolling through Twitter posts.

Twitter Post View Limit

X is a rule-based platform, and the Twitter post view limit is one of the many user restrictions. The current limit isn’t the same as the initial one after Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover.

Elon Musk announced the reading restrictions in July 2023. X’s management graded the viewing limit according to the nature of each account. You should note that the three categories of accounts involved include verified, new unverified, and old unverified accounts. 

Using verification as a grading metric reveals that account age and credibility are important considerations. Therefore, initially, owners of verified accounts could view 6,000 tweets daily. 

Likewise, users of unverified and new unverified accounts could view 600 and 300 posts, respectively. However, Twitter users saw this as a major drawback.

However, the platform increased the view limits to 8,000, 800, and 400 to appease users. But there was still a lot of dissatisfaction with the new numbers. So Elon Musk announced another alteration. Consequently, verified X users subscribing to Twitter Blue can now read 10,000 posts daily. 

Also, aged Twitter users with unverified accounts can access 1000 posts per day, and new accounts can read 500 posts. You don’t have to worry if you’re new to Twitter; your viewing limit will increase with time. 

Although Twitter limits views, there’s always a way to engage with more content. If you use your account consistently, you’ll advance from a new unverified user to an old unverified user. 

You can also activate a Twitter premium subscription to enjoy more content from your favorite Twitter influencers and creators. Hence, you can scale the limits if they prevent you from enjoying the platform as you wish. 

Why Is Twitter Limiting Views?

Twitter limits views to reduce data scraping. People struggle to understand the purpose of restricting content, so they ask, “Why is Twitter limiting views?” After all, the platform currently has over 500 million monthly active users. These users constantly publish content and repost interesting stuff.

Therefore, even though Twitter’s algorithm selects posts for each individual, one can never run short of new stuff to see. But you must understand that constant activity from millions of users is a lot to process. Therefore, limits create stability and ensure maximum functionality. 

However, beyond this, Twitter viewing limits prevent data scraping, which refers to extracting website data without permission. Therefore, Twitter’s post limit protects your online privacy. 

People publish a lot of information on channels like X, which is sometimes sensitive. Without these limits, hackers can easily access information they’ll alter to commit internet crimes. 

So, by limiting the number of posts users see, Twitter minimizes the risk of ethical concerns related to data scraping. The reading limit also contributes to equity by evenly distributing privileges. 

Hence, users can be sure there’s no monopoly on how others consume content in the app. Moreover, reducing the viewable posts allows Twitter to track and monitor user activity. Interestingly, this results in better Twitter analytics and insights. 

Furthermore, this limit improves general engagement and user experience. Instead of scrolling leisurely, viewers now interact through comments to get more information. Finally, by implementing the view limit, X complies with international data protection laws.

A clock hanging on a wall and showing the time 2:15

Understanding Twitter Viewing Limits per Hour

All the information in the previous sections addresses the daily limits. However, Twitter breaks it down to a specific number of posts per hour to achieve the daily limit. Thus, the hourly limits make up the daily limit. 

However, Twitter doesn’t specifically state the number of posts each account category can view per hour. Therefore, to figure this out, you must do the math yourself. Depending on whether you have a verified, unverified, or new unverified account, divide your limit by 24. 

That’s because there are 24 hours in a day. An error message will appear if you scroll through more than a certain number of posts in an hour. If this happens to you, don’t fret. 

Close your Twitter mobile app or webpage for an hour. You can use this time to browse social media platforms or perform other activities. After an hour, revisit Twitter; your timeline should return to normal.

Someone sitting on a bed and using their smartphone.

Is There a Way To Bypass the Twitter View Limit?

Yes, you can bypass the view limit and access more posts on Twitter. However, exceeding the rate limit on X is difficult since the cap is high. Sometimes, the developers reduce the post view limit when the platform has high traffic. 

Therefore, you may wonder what to do if you exceed the view limit and want to see more posts. The best way to access more posts is by creating an extra account. This hack is especially useful to new unverified users who can view only 500 posts per day. 

You can create multiple Twitter accounts with one email address or phone number. You can add a dot symbol anywhere within to enable you to use the same email address for multiple accounts. 

However, you can only create a maximum of 10 accounts. Note that these accounts must be functional and have different purposes. Hence, your accounts should publish distinctive content in various niches. 

Twitter can suspend your account for spammy behavior if you perform the same bulk activity on multiple profiles. You must note Twitter’s rules for operating multiple accounts to act within the guidelines. Regardless of the rules in place, you won’t need as many as 10 accounts to bypass the view limit. 

Though you may find other means of accessing more posts on Twitter, they aren’t legitimate. Hence, it’s best to avoid them and stick to this method alone, as X approves having multiple accounts. 

Are There Other Twitter Limits?

There are many other limitations on X besides the view limit. You might wonder why several limitations exist on a platform that promotes interaction. The reason is that temporary limits serve as checks to ensure the application functions optimally. 

One example is the tweet character limit, which specifies the maximum character count for a post. Twitter’s character count has grown from 140 to 280, including emojis. Although posts can’t contain more than 280 characters, the Twitter threads feature allows for posting lengthy content. 

Another limit is sending direct messages (DMs) to other users. Each account cannot send more than 500 messages daily. Additionally, there’s the daily following limit, which prevents spammy behavior. Due to this, all users can only follow 400 people per day. However, you must note that the maximum followers cap is 5000. 

Finally, the post view limit prevents individuals from making more than 2400 daily posts. Note that the platform also counts reposts as posts. These restrictions are fair as the range is large. However, an error message will notify you if you reach any of these limits. When this happens, take a break and return after some hours or the next day. 

A magnifying glass frame on top of the words “frequently asked questions.”


FAQ: What are view limits on Twitter?

View limits on Twitter are restrictions the platform places upon user activity. There are several limitations, but the focus here is the post view limit. The post view limit prohibits people from seeing more than the set number of tweets.

FAQ: Why did Twitter limit views?

Twitter restricts views to prevent data scraping, which has several risks, including privacy breaches and copyright violations. Therefore, by limiting the content people can access, Twitter reduces the amount of accessible data.

FAQ: What is Twitter’s view limit?

The Twitter view limit specifically refers to the post view or rate limit. This limit controls the number of tweets or posts you can read hourly or daily. The limit varies by account; if you exceed it, wait a while and try again.

Use TweetEraser To Stay Within the Limit

As you know, X has several limits that users must obey. Interestingly, each limit serves a different purpose. However, maintaining the boundaries of each limit ensures compliance with Twitter’s rules and regulations. 

While you stay within the Twitter view limit, you must also be mindful of the character, DM, and post limits. Monitoring all these may be stressful, so you need the services of a good Twitter management tool like TweetEraser.

You can use TweetEraser to control your posts so you don’t exceed the posting limit. You only need to delete some tweets and free up space on your timeline. What are you waiting for? Use TweetEraser now to manage your Twitter timeline.

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